Sunday 12 December 2010


Habe gerade einen netten Rückblick auf die Fehler und Korrekturen des Jahres gefunden (und zwar hier). Dort finden sich z.B. solche Perlen wie die Richtigstellung von Calbuzz:
In our Saturday post about the California Democratic Party’s ad attacking Meg Whitman but masquerading as an “issues ad,” we described the abrupt ending to our conversation with CDP Chairman John Burton. Through his spokesman, Burton on Monday complained that he had been misquoted. Burton says he didn’t say “Fuck you.” His actual words were, “Go fuck yourself.” Calbuzz regrets the error.

Oder auch diese hier aus der New York Times:
A capsule summary on Friday directing readers to pictures of ugly creatures at left the impression that fish and crustaceans are not part of the animal kingdom. Many of them may be ugly, but they are no less animals.

Auch der Rest ist durchaus lesenswert.

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